PCC year at a glance



Independent Governance Review reports

had examined the structures and work of the organisation for the preceding nine months. It produced a lengthy and detailed report, amounting to 75 discrete recommendations. The PCC welcomed its fi ndings, and began the process of their implementation.

The report was also commended by external observers, such as the media commentator Roy Greenslade.

PCC conference speaking

A PCC member of staff spoke at The Future Services for Bereaved Children: Best Practice and Reform Conference. A member of the PCC was on the panel for the Westminster Media Forum debate debate 'Reflecting diversity - the LGBT community and the media'.

PCC rules on undercover filming; criticises paper

The PCC upheld a complaint, making clear two (connected) points of principle: undercover recording is extremely intrusive; and there is, therefore, a high bar for any public interest defence.

The Sunday World was seeking to expose an individual for organising 'bukkake' sex parties. It secretly filmed their organiser and ran stills from the footage.

The Commission said:
Both the filming and the published images constituted a serious intrusion, which required a high level of public interest to justify. The newspaper could not reach that level in its defence.

Advisory notes

In July, they included:
‒ Helping an MP regarding possible harassment of their partner, communicating their concerns to the relevant paper;

‒ Passing on the concerns of a celebrity couple regarding photographers taking photographs of their new baby outside their home.